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Tone K, Chiang WC, Yeh HM, Hsiao ST,  Li CH, Komeyama K, Kudo K, Hasegawa T,  Sakamoto T, Nakamura I, Sakakura Y, Kawabe R (in press) Two-way habitat use between reefs and open ocean in the greater amberjack adult: evidence from biologging data. Marine Ecology Progress Series 14169


Iosilevskii G, Kong JD, Meyer CG, Watanabe YY, Papastamatiou YP, Royer MA, Nakamura I, Sato K, Doyle TK, Harman L, Houghton JDR, Barnett A, Semmens JM, Maoiléidigh NÓ, Drumm A, O'Neill R, Coffey DM, Payne NL (2022) A general swimming response in exhausted obligate swimming fish. Royal Society Open Science 9: 211869


中村乙水 (2022) 行動的体温調節の観点から見た海産魚の採餌戦略. 日本生態学会誌 72: 85-94 


Nakamura I, Yamada M (2022) Thermoregulation of ocean sunfish in a warmer sea suggests their ability to prevent heat loss in deep, cold foraging grounds. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 546: 151651


Watanabe YY, Nakamura I, Chiang WC (2021) Behavioural thermoregulation linked to foraging in blue sharks. Marine Biology 168: 1-10


Nakamura I,  Tsuchida H, Tone K, Komeyama K, Sasaki A, Kawabe R (2021)  Behavioural response of a whale shark during the passage of a typhoon. Journal of Fish Biology 99, 2052-2055


Tone K, Nakamura Y, Chiang WC, Yeh HM, Hsiao ST, Li CH, Komeyama K, Tomisaki M, Hasegawa T, Sakamoto T, Nakamura I, Sakakura Y, Kawabe R (2021) Migration and spawning behavior of the greater amberjack Seriola dumerili in eastern Taiwan. Fisheries Oceanography 31, 1–18


佐々木幾星, 中村乙水, 中野豪, 眞角聡, 丸山裕豊, 内田淳, 青島隆, 河邊玲 (2021) 音響テレメトリーを用いた長崎県五島列島北部沿岸域におけるイセエビPanulirus japonicusの移動追跡. 日本水産学会誌 87: 421-423


Karama KS, Matsushita Y, Inoue M, Kojima K, Tone K, Nakamura I, Kawabe R (2021) Movement pattern of red seabream Pagrus major and yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata around Offshore Wind Turbine and the neighboring habitats in the waters near Goto Islands, Japan. Aquaculture and Fisheries 6: 300-308


Narazaki T, Nakamura I, Aoki K, Iwata T, Shiomi K, Luschi P, Suganuma H, Meyer CG, Matsumoto R, Bost CA, Handrich Y, Amano M, Okamoto R, Mori K, Ciccione S, Bourjea J, Sato K (2021) Similar circling movements observed across marine megafauna taxa. iScience 24: 102221


Lin SJ, Chiang WC, Musyl MK, Wang SP, Su NJ, Chang QX, Ho YS, Nakamura I, Tseng CT, Kawabe R (2020) Movements and Habitat Use of Dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the East China Sea. Sustainability 12: 5793


Nakamura I, Matsumoto R, Sato K (2020) Body temperature stability observed in the whale sharks, the world's largest fish. Journal of Experimental Biology 223: jeb210286


Sawai E, Nakamura I (2020) New locality record of the bump-head sunfish Mola alexandrini (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) from Nagasaki Prefecture, western Japan. Biogeography 22: 65-67


Lin SJ, Musyl MK, Wang SP, Su NJ, Chiang WC, Lu CP, Tone K, Wu CY, Sasaki A, Nakamura I, Komeyama K, Kawabe R (2019) Movement behaviour of released wild and farm-raised dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus tracked by pop-up satellite archival tags. Fisheries Science 85: 779–790


Payne NL, Meyer CG, Smith JA, Houghton JDR, Barnett A, Holmes BJ, Nakamura I,  Papastamatiou YP, Royer MA, Coffey DM, Anderson JM, Hutchinson MR, Sato  K, Halsey LG (2018) Combining abundance and performance data reveals  how temperature regulates coastal occurrences and activity of a roaming  apex predator. Global Change Biology 24: 1884–1893


Nakamura I, Meyer CG, Sato K (2015) Unexpected positive buoyancy in deep sea sharks, Hexanchus griseus, and a Echinorhinus cookei. PLOS ONE 10: e0127667


Nakamura I, Goto Y, Sato K (2015) Ocean sunfish rewarm at the surface after deep excursions to forage for siphonophores. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 590-603


Nakamura I, Sato K (2014) Ontogenetic shift in foraging habit of ocean sunfish Mola mola from dietary and behavioral studies. Marine Biology 161: 1263-1273


Nakamura I, Watanabe YY, Papastamatiou YP, Sato K, Meyer CG (2011) Yo-yo vertical movements suggest a foraging strategy for tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 424: 237-246


Lara L. Sousa, Itsumi Nakamura, David W. Sims (2020) 8. Movements and Foraging Behavior of Ocean Sunfish. The Ocean Sunfishes, Evolution, Biology and Conservation edited by Tierney M. Thys, Graeme C. Hays, Jonathan D. R. Houghton. CRC Press

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